Welcome to the consultation website on proposals for Queensway Parade

Vabel is delighted to present this opportunity to sustainably redevelop aging buildings to deliver affordable and private housing, as well as high-quality retail space.

Ahead of submitting a planning application to Westminster City Council, we are keen to hear your feedback on our initial plans for Queensway Parade and understand local priorities. On this website, you will find information on our vision for the site, and how you can participate in the public consultation.

CGI of 28-34 Queensway, Vabel's development within the Southern half of Queensway
Introducing Vabel

A specialist in design and delivery of high-quality mixed-use developments

As an experienced operator in the area, Vabel has a proven track record of successfully regenerating local sites and fostering constructive relationships with the Queensway community. This includes their most recent development at 28-34 Queensway, where construction is currently underway.
Vabel is committed to delivering high-quality, private and affordable new homes, new upgraded retail units which meet local priorities, and building enduring local relationships.
The Site

The existing site comprises outdated commercial units at ground-floor with 27 homes on the upper levels

The current site is not providing its full potential due to poor quality buildings that fall short of modern standards, including sustainability and fire-safety.
The site is at the heart of Queensway and forms part of the major redevelopment of the area. Opposite the site is the Whiteley redevelopment, which will have a transformational effect on the area once completed. There is an opportunity for Queensway Parade to contribute to this through its own regeneration.
Aerial view of Queensway Parade site
Previous planning permission

In 2023, planning consent was granted for the demolition and redevelopment of Queensway Parade to create two connected six-storey buildings, planning reference 20/04934/FULL, containing new retail units, office space and 32 new homes

The consented scheme was subsequently amended to make a small change to the design.
Westminster City Council and the GLA have previously expressed support for a residential-led scheme on the site, a principle Vabel has used to update the redevelopment plans.

Following Vabel’s acquisition of the site, they are seeking to apply for a residential-led mixed use development. Vabel is seeking to create circa 96 new homes, 38% of which will be affordable, alongside new high-quality Class E and restaurant retail units, with an improved active frontage on Queensway.

Our Vision

Our vision is to transform Queensway Parade to deliver new homes, including affordable homes, and high-quality commercial units, contributing to inclusive regeneration of the Queensway area.

Providing 36 high-quality, affordable homes exceeding GLA requirements and providing the tenure mix to ensure genuinely affordable housing is provided

Delivering 60 private homes, including family sized homes

Tenure neutral design, providing the same high-quality homes for both affordable and private units

Creating 8 spacious retail units with enhanced shopfronts to support the local economy

Improving the public realm and pedestrian experience

Pursuing a considerate construction management plan to minimise disruption for the local community

Creating a sustainable and energy efficient development

Pursuing a sensitive design to complement local assets

Delivering new homes for Westminster

Vabel are seeking to maximise the number of new homes at Queensway Parade, producing a varied mix of housing types and sizes to cater to the diverse local housing need.
The proposed layout of residential units prioritises the well-being of residents, maximising access to daylight and providing private and communal amenity space for all flats.
Proposed view south along Queensway Parade
Proposed view north along Queensway Parade

New, diverse retail units to reinvigorate Queensway Parade

Our proposals will create 2,200 sqm of high-quality retail space, divided into 8 units of varying sizes. The enhanced active frontages along Queensway Parade and Porchester Gardens, including on the prominent corner plot of the site, will contribute to reinvigoration of the local economy by increasing the vibrancy of the high street.

Vabel has agreed a tenancy with Tesco in a 500sqm unit and they are committed to providing a space which could accommodate a Post Office. Priority has been given to the reprovision of community amenities to ensure that redevelopment of Queensway Parade is inclusive and accessible for all those living locally.

Improved sustainability and biodiversity

We are seeking to improve on the environmental credentials of both the existing building and the consented scheme, reducing CO2 emissions and prioritising energy efficiency.
Clean energy generation will be prioritised within the development, which will target a BREEAM “Excellent” rating. A low-carbon centralised heat pump system will be complemented by rooftop solar PV and construction materials selected for their low air permeability, ensuring the development is efficiently powered by green energy.
The scheme is being developed to achieve a biodiversity net gain on site, providing new habitats for wildlife through green roofs and biodiversity gardens. Wrap around terraces with evergreen planters and an upgraded planting strategy in the adjacent Lady Samuel Garden will contribute high-quality urban greening to Queensway.


As long-term investors and operators in the Queensway area, Vabel is mindful of the disruption experienced by local residents from ongoing construction work along Queensway Parade.
We are committed to being good neighbours and delivering high-quality regeneration with minimal disruption. If the application is approved, we will:

Sensitive design

Given the proximity of the site to heritage assets and the Queensway Conservation Area, Vabel has taken great care to ensure the scheme makes a positive contribution to the local townscape, incorporating traditional high quality materials in a sensitive manner.
The revised proposals ensure that the development complements the restoration of the Grade II listed Whiteley. The top storeys of the scheme have been set back to minimise the impact on neighbouring amenity. The active shop frontages on Queensway Parade will be a modern take on the Victorian shopfronts that traditionally existed in the area, sensitively restoring the architectural character of Queensway.
Proposed building facades

Existing and proposed views

Existing site
Proposed view
View looking North along Queensway
Existing site
Proposed view
View looking South along Queensway
Existing site
Proposed view
View looking West along Porchester Gardens
Existing site
Proposed view
View looking South along Queensway

Have your say

We value your feedback and want to hear your views ahead of submitting our refreshed planning application.

Come along to our public drop-in exhibition to meet the project team and find out more, or fill in our online survey:

